Do you like handcrafted gin or vodka and shop online?
We need 10 volunteers to give us feedback on a new website
– 2nd of March, 7-9:30pm at The Village Inn, Fairlie –
What does this involve?
We will ask each person to carry out a series of simple tasks on a website with either their own mobile phone or a laptop (provided).
Participants will be provided with a taste of the delicious handcrafted spirit alongside some snacks provided by The Village Inn while they wait for their turn.
Afterwards, while enjoying another drink, volunteers will be asked to fill out a small survey to give us more detail on their experience of the website.
All attendees will receive a bottle of delicious handcrafted artisan gin worth £34 as a thank you.
Do I need any experience or skills to participate?
No! If you can make it on the date, and you can bring your own mobile phone or tablet then you will qualify! We don’t want experts, we want real website users. Real users give us real feedback on where a website is working and where there are issues that need to be addressed. This information is valuable to us!
How do I sign up?
First, fill in the simple application.
Volunteers will be selected on a first come, first serve for each of the demographics we are looking for.
We will email you back within a week to let you know if you have been selected.
Good Luck!
We will be selecting people who represent typical customers – there are no right or wrong answers!